5 Reasons Your Door Won’t Close (And How to Fix It)

car door won't shut

The door of your vehicle serves many purposes. Not only does it block sound and weather, it is also a structural component designed to protect you in the event of a crash. A door that won’t close properly is potentially dangerous. If you were to get in an accident, the door could fly open and … Read more

How to Get a Loud Exhaust (Without Breaking the Bank)

how to make exhaust loud

Exhaust systems are like musical instruments that can be tuned to give your vehicle the perfect sound. Their shape and size can even affect how your vehicle drives. Since combustion engines are big air pumps, a freer flowing exhaust will usually give you more horsepower. This is because performance exhausts are less restrictive and allow … Read more

5 Reasons You’re Losing Coolant But Have No Visible Leaks

losing coolant but no leaks

Internal combustion engines turn your wheels using power generated from small, controlled explosions. These explosions generate loads of heat, and this waste heat must be transferred away from the engine block. If the engine block were to get too hot, materials in the engine could warp, crack, or melt. Coolant, Radiator Fluid, and Antifreeze… What … Read more