How to Safely Remove a Car Battery (Step-by-Step)

old battery

Modern vehicles have so many electrical devices built into them. The alternator is what keeps these devices powered while the vehicle is in operation. But it is the battery that supplies power to the starter motor which gets the vehicle running in the first place. The battery also manages the electrical devices after you turn … Read more

How to Change Spark Plugs in 5 Easy Steps

DIY spark plug replacement

Anyone who drives a vehicle with a gasoline engine should understand the importance of spark plugs. These are the parts which create the spark that ignites the air and fuel mixture in the internal combustion chamber of the engine. What some may not realize is that spark plugs don’t last forever. Each time a spark … Read more

How to Clean and Unclog Fuel Injectors at Home

clean fuel injectors

How often do you clean your fuel injectors? Most car owners do not even consider cleaning their injectors because they never think about the possibility of them getting clogged. However, they will get clogged eventually after you have used your vehicle for more than a few years. You will know when the fuel injectors are … Read more

5 Reasons Your Car Engine Won’t Turn Over

trouble starting car

There is no worse feeling than trying to start your car and finding out that it won’t turn over. When a car does not “turn over,” it means that the starter motor is not able to crank in order for the engine to turn over. As a result, you will turn the key in the … Read more

7 Symptoms of a Bad Fuel Pump (And Replacement Cost)

bad fuel pump symptoms

The fuel pump is a valuable component of the internal combustion engine. Since there needs to be a mixture of fuel and air inside the combustion chamber, the fuel pump is responsible for pumping fuel from the gas tank, through the fuel lines, and into the combustion chamber. What is a Fuel Pump? A fuel … Read more